's bicycle fitting process is communicated in a color-illustrated, perfect-bound book.
The challenge was for a large-scale content update to the previous manual.
The original was in a 3-ring binder with B&W photocopied pages that were duplicated at the local quick-printer to allow for easy modifications and updates as the bike fitting process changed and added products. Quality and cost were relatively high, but flexibility was maximized for each of the manuals that were sold. The manual was an educational tool (product) for the process and also helped to share how the other products were used.
Besides helping with the update to the copy, I was able to use the old photos as inspiration for more of a medical-like illustration series that emphasizes the story and minimizes any non-BikeFit brand details. The illustrations should be able to have a longer shelf life without seeming to be dated. The copy was provided by the company owner from the previous manual, and an editor was employed for the update. It was a team process that took about three months of drafts and revisions. Many of the illustrations used in the manual were previously used in other product instructions and packaging.
The current version was produced via Amazon Publishing for on-demand book creation. This perfect-bound, soft-covered book was the cost-effective solution for what was needed, while being reasonable with the investment for a small inventory while still having a print-on-demand capability. The perfect-bound nature with full color was brand standard quality while meeting the price point that was needed.
Adobe InDesign (book document), Illustrator, and Photoshop
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Authors: Paul Swift and Katrina Z. Vogel, MS DPT
Editors: Brian Vander Stoep and Damon Wyatt

A spread showing some of the illustrations